Category Archives: Interviews

DJGBC Interview with Bestselling Author J. Brinkley

Where are you from?

A: Tifton, Georgia

When and why did you begin writing?

A: I started writing in my early teens to Express innermost feelings.  I didn’t start taking it serious until I was in my mid twenties. 

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

A: When I published my first book ( Tears of evidence) in 2015.

What inspired you to write your first book?

A: Honestly, I needed money to get me a lawyer. Unfortunately,  that never happened. My knowledge about how the literary industry was far fetched. Aside from that,  I end up liking the art and the reviews, so I continued writing.

Do you have a specific writing style?

A: I’ve been told that I have a style of Carl Weber. I don’t know if it’s true because I never read his work. I focus on writing realistic stories that people can relate to.

How did you come up with the titles ?

A: I draw from the things around me. I also look at what’s trending at the time but I still do it my way. My way consist of what’s real to me. 

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

A: Each book I’ve written has a principle that we all can learn from. For an example,  I forgot to be your lover is a book a novella about choices. Our day to day choices can bring us success or it can bring up destruction.  We don’t always get a second chance to amend what was broken. No one is perfect but we must try to make the best decision from all aspects of our life.

How much of the book is realistic?

A: 85% to 90% is real.

What books have most influenced your life most?

A: Blueprint for black power, they came before Columbus,  stolen legacy, miseducation of the negro etc

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

A: Dr. John henrik clark. 

What book are you reading now?

A: Jay Morrison. He’s talk about real estate and how to build credit. 

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

A: Honesly, I haven’t had time to read anyone new because I’ve been so focus on trying to get myself together.

What are your current projects?

A: O’Shay and Sanaa 2. I’ve been working on a few other projects as well.

Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

A: I’ve gotten alot of support from people on facebook.

Do you see writing as a career?

A: I do. 

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

A: No.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

A: I can’t recall exactly  but I do know that I was a teen.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

A: Not really. Writing does make you explore fields and things you normally wouldn’t. 

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

A: TN Jones and KL Hall. They are consistent writers. Good story plots. 

Do you travel much promoting your book(s)?

A: If I could I would.

Who designed the covers?

A: I have a few cover designers I’ve worked with.  1) Aija Monique, 2) Angela Bearfield, 3) Tina Shivers, 4) Bryant Sparks.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

A: I don’t have a problem with writing but there are times when I get side tracked with other things that comes with life. 

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

A: Writing is therapeutic. It help me analyze situations and people. It even helps me understand things about myself. 

Do you have any advice for other writers?

A: Write what’s real. Study how you can perfect your craft. Learn the literary business. Last but not least, PROMOTE ! PROMOTE ! PROMOTE !

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

A: Thank you for your support and I have more work coming soon. 

WB Media Group is looking for African American Entrepreners, Business Men & Women in the Rockland County, NY area.

DJ Gatsby & The WB Media Group are looking for African American Entrepreners, Business Men & Women. If you own a business in the Rockland County, NY area and want to be featured on our Blog Talk Radio Show or our Public Access TV Show contact us at 914-483-9496 or enail us at to schedule an appt to discuss your business.

 Jeff Gatsby Wilson
CEO at  WB Media Group 41 Barker Ave White Plains, NY10601914-483-9496   914-483-9496   Skype DJGatsbyx

WBMG Radio with DJ Gatsby & Author / Head Coach of the Spring Valley Hornets Youth Football Team.

Join me today Sunday Dec 9th at 6:30 pm on WBMG Radio with DJ Gatsby when my guest will be Author / Head Coach of the Spring Valley Hornets Youth Football Team from Spring Valley, NY. They are preparing to head to Canton,OH to play in The Pro Football Hall Of Fame World Youth Championship Game.

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of CHURCH - Made with PosterMyWall (2)

Call in during the show to speak with DJ Gatsby or Kelvin Smith a/k/a Coach Smith to wish them good luck and support the team at (917) 889-2866.

This is the link to the show for those who want to listen to the show on On Line with a phone, tablet or computer.…/the-dj-gatsby-show-with-auth… 


Make A Donation Today & Help Send The Spring Valley Hornets Football Team To The Youth Football Championship @ #football #youthfootball #halloffame #nationalfootballleague#cantonohio #NFL #SpringValleyHornets #Winning #NewYork #gofundme#KidsToCanton    _pfhof-nationalchamp-white-outline-final


WWIAAL sits down with Bestselling Author Kennedee Devoe to discuss her latest book.

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Bestselling Author Kennedee Devoe

California based Author Kennedee Devoe has just released her latest book “Why Does Love Hate Me”. We sat down with her recently to get the scoop on whats really going on with her and her book “Why Does Love Hate Me”

Author Kennedee Devoe is the author of Amazons Bestseller, Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right…It Makes Us Even, With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?, Just Can’t Do Right, and I am Writing a Book…Now What? Kennedee is the Publisher of Devoe Publications. She holds a Masters Degree in Human Services. She currently works in the nonprofit sector as a Program Director. Kennedee hails from Carson, CA, and currently resides in Los Angeles.

KD 4What books have most influenced your life?

KD: Emotional Intelligence 2.0. It helps you learn how to use your emotions productively, rather than you be controlled by them.

How do you develop your plots and characters?

KD: The characters are typically based off real life experiences. I just change the names to protect the innocent and the guilty.

Tell us about your latest  book?

KD:  My latest book is titled Why Does Love Hate Me? I named the book after the experience I endured after my last relationship. The story is about a young lady that is unlucky in love who finally meets the man of her dreams. She’s hoping that unlike her previous relationships that she shares in the book her prior to the relationship that this man will be the one. You have to read the book to find out what happens.

We all need a hero! Tell us about your protagonist(s)?

KD: Was there a real-life inspiration behind him or her? Kween Dupree in my new book. I am her, she is me. I survived somethings I thought would kill me. But look at me I’m still here glowing and thriving.

What real-life inspirations did you draw from for the realism within your book?

KD: All of them. I have so many crazy stories to tell that I could at least write 2 more books about it.


kd cover 3

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

KD: It was very personal. I had to dig deep down inside and relive some of those experiences that caused me to deal with depression for almost 2 years.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

KD: I would say chapter 13 is my favorite. My mother passed away September 2017. Just being able to share the advice she gave me was priceless. As I was typing I could hear her voice saying those words to me.

Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it?

KD: Don’t be afraid to share your ups and downs because someone needs to hear how I got through the same thing they are going through now.
Is there a message in your novel that you hope readers will grasp?

KD: Self-love is the greatest love of them all. Don’t let anyone steal your joy and happiness. Don’t let anyone take you out of your peace.


What are your future project(s)?

KD: I’m currently working on a book about financial principles for teenagers.

If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be?

KD: I’d be a philanthropist. I think that being able to assist others create a better quality of life is so important. Don’t sit high and look low has always been my motto.

What is your preferred method to have readers get in touch with or follow you (i.e., website, personal blog, Facebook page, here on Goodreads, etc.) and link(s)?

kd banner

IG: ItMustBeKD

Facebook: Author Kennedee Devoe

YouTube: Kennedee Devoe


Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers before ?

KD: Don’t let the fact that my books are not on eBook or Amazon deter you from reading my books.  Don’t let the titles deter you from reading. These are real life experiences that are being shared that have messages and lessons behind each story.

Celebrated Author Kennedee Devoe is back to join me on The WBMG Radio Show. She is coming to the show to promote the release and success of her latest book “Why Does Love Hate Me”. Its been over 3 years since her last appearance on the show and we cant wait to get her on the show to talk about the up’s & downs in her love life. If you know anything about “Our Favorite DIVA” KD then you know this is a show you done wanna miss !

kd blog talk

5/11/18 WBMG Radio Show with DJ Gatsby with Guest Sharon “Champagne”Terry

sharon champagne terry
Its going down in a big way this Friday May 11th·2018 at 6:30 pm est on the

*WBMG Radio Show with DJ Gatsby & Special Guest Author Sharon Champagne Terry
We back in the studio setting the airwaves on fire the hottest interviews on the web. *Listeners please call in to speak with Sharon Champagne Terry & DJ Gatsby at (917) 889-2866 #RealTalk #NoBS #BookBiz #CelebrityLife#GoddessOfLust #WBMGRadio #WBMediaGroup #TheRealDJGatsby


31408422_185213738791877_6646997717794947072_n.jpgChampagne a.k.a Sharon Terry was born and raised in Rochester, NY. She is an author, up and coming actress, entrepreneur and model. She recently played Vanessa in a comedy by Unc Trent, “I’ll Drink To That”, “Living the Dream”,Living The Dream(movie) and web series “In Between Jobs”. She is also the author of latest urban fiction release “The Goddess of Lust, Love and Infatuation. She was nominated “Best Author of The Year” in the Rocawards.She was also a model for Vision Hair Salon in “The night of Elegance, Strawberry-LiL Magazine,Dse Magazine, Authenically You Magazine,  Pain 2 Purpose, V Count and S.U.E.,  published magazines. “She also has her own health and wellness company B.O.S.S. You can contact her via email-,


DJGBC Interview with the author of “In The Footsteps of a Killer” Denise J. Bryson

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Denise J Bryson the author of the bestselling book “In The Footsteps of a Killer”


Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

Hi DJ thanks so much for having me it’s a pleasure and I appreciate you asking me to be here. Well let’s see, I was born and raised in Detroit, MI. A lifer here in the “D” I guess since I have no plans on moving. I have 2 sisters, two brothers, two nephews and one niece. I went to Marygrove College where I graduated with a 3.3 GPA. I currently work as a Flight Attendant for a major airline and I am a huge Detroit Redwing Hockey fan.

What were you like at school?

I was a sneaky nerd. I was book smart and a smart aleck. I used to sit in the back of class and tell jokes under my breath so the teacher wouldn’t hear me and then when the kids around me started laughing out loud they would get in trouble and try to blame me. The teacher never believed them I always looked so innocent. I used to lead the other kids and then sit back and watch what would happen. They still liked me I don’t know why…lol

Were you good at English?

Lord no. I hated English, too many rules. What I discover instead was drama class. I was only supposed to be able to trade off one semester but I ended up being so good that the teacher requested that I continue to take drama. She need my acting skills for her plays and I was all about it.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I would love to see my books in libraries, in book stores, in people hands. I would like for my writing to become my sole source of income. How cool would it be to make a movie about In The Footsteps of a Killer?


Which writers inspire you?

I’m inspired by the classic writers like Robert R. McCammon, Edgar Allen Poe, Bram Stoker and then there’s Stephen King, Dean Koontz and I have read others outside of my genre. But in general I’m a horror nut and well a nut don’t fall to far from the tree.

So, what have you written?
(*Include books, novellas, short stories, poems, blogs, awards or anything of interest.)

In chronological order there is Dark Reflections, A thru Zack, The Last Cattle Round up, A Thing Called Evil in a short story collection called Creative Differences A Collection of Inventive Stories and my current In The Footsteps of a Killer. All of these titles can be found at

Where can we buy or see them? (* include American, European and any other relevant links. Free, free promotions or prices can be included)

They can mostly be found on but with the exception of “A Thing Called Evil a short story in Creative  Difference A collection of Inventive Stories and In The Footsteps of a Killer” they can be found on “In The Footsteps of a Killer” is also available for download at amazon.

The link to receive a paper copy of “In The Footsteps of a Killer” is

Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?

Leah Moore is a Detroit girl, who has seen her share of crime through the lenses of her camera and not much gets to her. The special thing about her is that she has a direct connection with a dead serial killer. Albert Cain Macarthur, the two of them communicate in her dreams and because of his deal with the Devil he has come back to kill.


51ZpV0zDaiLWhat are you working on at the minute?

I’m working on the sequel. Through the Eyes of a Killer. Leah and Albert meet up once again and this time Albert has a better deal with the Devil. He’s been given a rare second chance to get it right. He however has instructions not to go near Leah but he of course has other plans. He wants Leah dead and even if he has to cross the Devil again he will kill her.

What’s it about? (*if relevant)

Albert has gotten a rare second chance from the Devil and he is given extra help to aid in achieving his goal as long as he stays away from Leah. Which of course he can’t do, his main goal is to kill her.


What genre are your books?

I write paranormal horror and thrillers.

What draws you to this genre?

Sitting with my Mom watching all the classic horror movies. Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolf, Mummy reading the books she read. How could a kid be afraid of watching scary movies and reading scary books when you’re doing it with Mom? I don’t know what drew her to that genre but me being her little sidekick is what drew me to it.

Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?

There are so many new talented young women of color now it’s hard to choose. But I could see someone like Thadie Newton, or a Halle Berry type. Someone who is not only pretty but smart and can-do action and make it look easy.

How much research do you do?

Many of my books start in my imagination and dreams. I typically will dream a story almost like I’m at the movies watching. But I sometimes have to do research. I look for if things like what I want to write about have ever happened before. I look at things like hauntings, haunted places and objects. I look to see what paranormal hunters are coming across. Doing research for something that may or may not be real is challenging but interesting.

Have you written any other novels in collaboration with other writers?

Yes I collaborated with some other fine Authors in Creative Differences A Collection of Inventive Stories that are still available at

Why did you do decide to collaborate and did that affect your sales?

The collection was created as an introduction tool for myself, the other authors and Artistic Words Publishing.

When did you decide to become a writer?

I think writing decided for me back when I was twenty or so. I always dream stories and well they just don’t stop until I write them down.

Why do you write?

 I love it. I’m compelled to it. It owns me…lol. My Mom was a huge horror fan and now I write for her as well.

What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?

Mom was a huge horror fan. An avid and voracious reader. She also had her own supply of great story ideas. We were supposed to sit down together and get our writing on. She had this one story and she actually started it but never finished and sadly I don’t remember it now

Do you write full-time or part-time?

Unfortunately, due to my full-time job I have to write full time in my off time. My job takes me away from home for days at a time and while I’m able to write once I get there in the time that I’m on the airplane I’m unable to break out my computer. I can on my work break and often times I do but most time the break in only an hour and since I fly international I need that time to actually take a break and rest.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

No, I really don’t have a special time I just try to write all the time. When I’m home I like to sleep. When I do get up its somewhere around 8. I make some coffee and maybe some toast. I watch the early news then I sit and start. I usually hit the social media sites to see what happening. I post something interesting about my book or something related to me to inform the readers then I get to the writing.

Do you write every day, 5 days a week or as and when?

I’d like to be able to write every day but I have a full-time job that takes up my time days at a time. I’m also not one of those who wakes up before the sun and gets it in, this girl likes to sleep.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?

I write until I am satisfied. I don’t limit myself or restrict myself to a specific word count or page number. Some days I may only have a few pages or a few words and I don’t want to stress myself out trying to adhere to a goal. I suppose the more I get into this as a career that will change but for now, no. And knowing me if I did set some type of goal I would sit all day until I reached it and then re-read later and not like what I wrote.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?

 I started out long hand on a legal pad. Then from there a typewriter until a computer nerd friend of mine put together a desk top for me to use. I eventually brought a laptop and that changed my life. An interesting story. When I had my typewriter, a Brothers, it had a handle. I would carry it to work with me and type on my layovers. So here I was in places like Germany, London and along with my three suitcases I had a typewriter. Now that was an adventure.

Where do the your ideas come from?

I dream most of my story ideas. They can come to me out of the blue. I remember once on a flight we had a little down time and I was having a snack and a short story idea came to me. I wrote it down, later transferred it to my computer read it out loud for some friends to a rousing round of applause. Mostly however they come to me in dreams. I have to sometimes decide whether or not to write a dream because I didn’t like what happened in it. It seemed to come from a darker place then where I wanted to go.

Copy of A New Poster (1)Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

 I mostly write by the seat of my pants. But I discover that when I don’t have a good grasp on where I want it to go an outline is very helpful. I am using an outline with my sequel and it really is helping me to keep thighs on track. I think I’ll be using one from now on

How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?

I think it’s still evolving. As I move along this road called writer I can see things in some of my earlier writing that I can improve on. Not necessarily grammar or English stuff but in what I wrote as a story. I can see where my creative mind is now always thinking, how can I make this seem real, how can I cause this to happen.  

What is the hardest thing about writing?

The self-discipline that it takes to get up sit down and write. Once I’m down I’m good. I can write for hours. But sometimes planting myself in that chair takes a minute.

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?

Well my book is about a serial killer. Typically, in his crazy world of our women and children fall prey to that type of killer. So, writing about the killing of the women was the hardest part. I had to tell myself that while there were women dying there was also a woman who was gonna fight this killer.

What is the easiest thing about writing?

Is there an easy part?…lol. Pretty much once I have a story idea the actual writing of the story is easy.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

 It depends. My first one took me twenty years. The others between eight and eleven months. In The Footsteps of a Killer took a little over a year. I’ve been working at the sequel for just about a year. My short stories take a few days, sometimes less.

Do you ever get writer’s Block?

I have in the past when I doubted that I was a writer. Not as much now. Then when I do get it, I just get up from the computer take a walk or pick up a book that’s not horror and sort of take my mind away from what I’m working on at the time.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?

Take a walk, read a different genre book, take a drive anything that helps you clear your mind and don’t stress. Then slowly start with writing a word or two unrelated to your story, then maybe a sentence. Then look and see if what you wrote fits anywhere in your story. Chances are something will and then there ya go.

If this book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?

In The Footsteps of a Killer is about a young woman who is mentally connected to a dead serial killer by means of an electrical shock. She watches him in her dreams as he kills and is the only person on earth who can stop him. The sequel called Through the Eye’s of a Killer which starts right where “In The Footsteps of a Killer” leaves off and it places the heroine back in the sight of the killer, who this time wants her dead.

What are your thoughts on writing a book series.

 They can be fun. They can also be challenging. The fun is coming back to familiar characters. It’s like visiting a friend and having a cup of coffee to catch up. It’s challenging because now you have to take that friend and place them into some new situation or as in my books some new terror. Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors.

For your own reading, do you prefer e-books or traditional paper/hard back books?

 I read a little less than I used to only because I’m trying to get these two off the ground. But When I do I read Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Saul. I’m a traditional paper girl. It was what Mom read. I sit at my computer all day when I’m able so a real book is a welcome change.

What book/s are you reading at present?

 I started one by Lorretta R Walls called The English Family, something a little different than my genre.

Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?

 I do proof read but with Artistic Words Publishing I have an editor as well. Carla Dean. That lack of proper English education because I was in drama class instead makes me a perfect candidate. If I didn’t have an editor I sure would pay for one.

Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?

 I like that analogy, stew…lol. Yeah I do so that I can look at it with fresh eyes and read it like a book and not my book.

Who edited your book and how did you select him/her?

When I signed on with Artistic Words Publishing I signed with the best. Carla Dean is the publisher/editor and she does a wonderful job at both.

Tell us about the cover/s and how it/they came about.

Once again Artistic Words Publishing came through for me with that. They asked me about what I though and I told them and they came up with something I hadn’t even dreamed of and it was perfect.

Who designed your book cover/s?

Artistic Words Publishing.

Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process?

Yes, most definitely, it’s the cover that first catches the eye. A good cover should represent what’s on the books inside and give the potential reader that feeling of “hey what’s this book about”.

How are you publishing this book and why? (*e.g. Indie, traditional or both)

 I went traditional because I’m old fashion and I think that I should leave it up to the professional.

What would you say are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing against being published or the other way around?

The main advantage for me was that I don’t know the business of “Books” And make no mistake writing is a business. I am learning along the way but I didn’t want to learn and write at the same time. I enjoy the interaction with AWP and appreciate their care for my career and all the work they put into my book.

How do you market your books?

Right now, I am working with Artistic Words Publishing and we are using social media as well as doing the traditional book signings at places in and around Detroit.

Why did you choose this route?

Social media is what’s moving things right now.

Would you or do you use a PR agency?

Sure, I would use one if Artistic Words Publishing wanted me too.

Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books?

No, I’m still learning, I’d like to know what they are doing to market.

What part of your writing time do you devote to marketing your book?

Sometimes it seems that’s all I do…lol. I try to do it a day at a time. If I get up and start writing the next day I’ll get up and do some promoting and marketing.

What do you do to get book reviews?

I ask all my readers to leave one. I have been looking into some review services

How successful has your quest for reviews been so far?

A little slow but you just have to keep plugging along.

Do you have a strategy for finding reviewers?

 Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of CHURCH.jpgI didn’t know you could have a strategy for that.

What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?

Good reviews tell you what you did right, bad reviews tell you what you did wrong. By.  that I mean a good one means that you’ve pleased the reader the book took them where they wanted to go. A bad one means that somewhere along the road you missed the mark. The reader didn’t connect and you need to find out why so that you can write the next one better and maybe get that reader back. You want them to come back and say “now Ok that’s what I wanted to see.’


Any amusing story about marketing books that happened to you?

 I really don’t have one I haven’t been at this long enough. I do have a story about selling one to a friend in the Netherlands. The book is 14.95 she hands me an American twenty and the looks at the conversion chart and then say I owe you still.  lol

What’s your views on social media for marketing?

 Social media is effective but I’d also like to use other means, after all what did we do before social media. We paid for advertising, word of mouth and things like that. I’m attempting to take advantage of those ways as well.

Which social network worked best for you?

Right now Facebook seems to be working the best. But I am on twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube and a few others.

Any tips on what to do and what not to do?

 I would say stay consist. People are on social media at different time. If you post in the morning only people who sleep through the day because of a midnight job might miss it and vise verse. Post often and post a lot. I get behind sometimes because of my job and weird sleep schedule, when I’m not on it Artistic Words Publishing is and they will post something. Then send me a little reminder that I need to get something out there.

Did you do a press release, Goodreads book launch or anything else to promote your work and did it work?

I did use a press release and I am on Goodreads. They both were very effective in helping to get the word out that my book was available.

Did you get interviewed by local press/radio for your book launch?

No unfortunately not yet, I have however sent my book to some local celebrities to read, as well as a guy in Boston who use to be a soap star. And I have sent request to some local stations here in Detroit. I also plan to invite them to my book signings.

Is there any marketing technique you used that had an immediate impact on your sales figures?

No as I mentioned I’m still new to the game and haven’t got all the bugs worked out yet. Ask me that again a year from now I should have a better answer.

Did you make any marketing mistakes or is there anything you would avoid in future?

 I just think that before I start for the next one I will look for other outlets to get the word out there. Social media is good but like I said books were sold, promoted and marketed long before the media. I’d like to use every avenue available.

Why do you think that other well written books just don’t sell?

Maybe lack of confidence, lack of true dedication meaning you have to get out there and get it done. I know before I signed with Artistic Words Publishing I doubted my abilities and the ladies were like “Girl please, you can write” Maybe a lack of knowledge as well. I know I have learned a lot and I’m still learning. The internet is a great tool that some people just may not have access to.

What do you think of “trailers” for books?

Yes, I love book trailers. Mine is way cool. And why not? We are visual creatures and if a book trailer is done well it will peak your interest and it could lead your book to a movie.

Do you have a trailer or do you intend to create one for your own book/s?
(* please provide a link to trailer if you have one)

I do indeed have one here is the link. It’s on Youtube it was created by Kim Perdue-Sims.

Do you think that giving books away free works and why?

 I think it does but it depends on who you give them to. You can give one to your Uncle and he will appreciate it but he may not pass it on to someone who could help your sales. If you give it to a college professor and he may pass it on to his class as an assignment and who knows who knows who.

Did you format your own book?

No, I don’t, Artistic Words Publishing takes care of all the making of the book. I just wrote it…lol. No that’s where my publishing company comes into to play which is another reason why I chose to go traditional.

In what formats is your book available?

 It is available in e book form … and you can get it in paper at

If formatted by someone else, how did you select them and what was your experience?

My ladies at Artistic Words Publishing take care of all that technical book work for me. Its good to have peeps.

How do you relax?

Exactally what is that? Lol. Between working my food job (flying) and my dream job (Writing) I find that when I relax I’m in a bed calling it a night. When I fly I do manage to squeeze in a happy hour here and there. I usually have a beer or two then it’s back to my room to finish off something. Writing another chapter or posting a link to my book or looking for something book related to help increase sales.

What is your favourite motivational phrase.

 Still I Rise by the simply fabulous Maya Angelou. Yeah, I got oil wells pumping in my living room…

What is your favorite positive saying?

I like that poster with the little kitty and the words that say, “Hang in there baby”.

13680871_10210268562735671_3519637741333725012_nWhat is your favorite book and why?

My book cause I wrote it…lol…No seriously my favorite book is Swan Song which is a 1987 horror novel by Robert R McCammon.. It’s a work of post-apocalyptic fiction describing the aftermath of a nuclear war that provokes an evolution in humankind. And a little girl was the hero. Perhaps the first female hero I had ever read about.

What is your favourite quote?

My Mom used to say about the weather when we wanted to go out in January without coats because we had one warm day, “It ain’t soup yet”.

What is your favourite film and why?

The Star Wars stories, there are so many hidden messages in those movies. Every time I watch one I see something different.

Where can you see yourself in 5 years time?

In 5 years I’d like to see myself not working for the airline but sitting at my desk cranking out the next great scary novel. I’d like to see a movie or two made from my stories. I’d like to see Artistic Words Publishing in full on Author/book making famous mode. I’d like to see my books on the shelves with my literary heroes King, Koontz and the like.

What is your favourite movie and why?

A girl’s gotta take a break from all things scary. My favorite movie is Somewhere in Time. I guess it’s border line ghost movie but it’s such a beautiful portrayal of love and how love withstand all. Along that line What Dreams May Come is also my favorite because not only doe sit show how strong love, true love is it touches on what Heaven could be like. And how love can save you even in death. Again, I guess border line ghost story…lol.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

 I would tell that little girl who skipped English for drama, don’t do it! Go to English and learn. Take writing classes in college, learn all you can about writing and the business of writing. Learn about publishing and the business of books. Learn about promotion and marketing and then you may be ready to write

Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?

I think I’d like to meet Vincent Price. He was my horror hero. He could change his face and your blood would run cold. I even heard that for the most part he never used make up to achieve some of the looks of horror that his face showed. His voice could be smooth and melodic and then cold and menacing all in the same movie. Sometimes in the same scene!

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

 I would like to have authored Bram Stoker’s Dracula. That was the first true horror novel that I had ever heard of. I never actually had the pleasure of reading it, it’s on my bucket list but it spawned so many great movies.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

 Write. Write. Write. You can never go wrong. The written word when read or spoken has power but it has to be written to be read or spoken. Study your craft. Learn all you can about writing and the business of writing.

Where do you see publishing going in the future?

I don’t see anything replacing the “publisher” there is so much to this business I see more people who are gonna want to know about it and then decide to leave the real work to the professionals.

Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?

Oh, lets see… I’m a firm believer in holding on to your dreams. I think that people who dream and attempt to make that dream come true are exceptional people. And I don’t mean one dream. I had many dreams, I still do. You can have different ones but the trick is if you don’t try to achieve it you will never know if you were supposed to do it. I believe that everything I have experienced in life I was meant to experience. God knows you before you are named by your parents. He knows what path you will walk and He will help you along the way if you let Him. Of course, there are many who fall off the path and well that’s sad. Then there are many who know the path but are afraid. Then there are those who know the path, are fearless and walk that path.

How can readers discover more about you and you work?


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DJGBC Exclusive Interview with Award Winning Author / Poet LaDonna Marie


27540113_801600435474_7312594772421970990_nWhere are you from?

I am born and raised in Mississippi

Tell us your latest news?

My latest news is that I am a 2018 Finalist for Author of the Year for International Women’s Award for Divas of Colour in London, UK.

When and why did you begin writing?

I started writing at the age of 12 and then at the age of 14 it started to be poetry. I started writing to help understand thought perceptions and challenges this world. For me it was my therapeutic escape for the things going on and also a place to releases my feelings.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?


I first consider myself to be a writer, at 14 when I started to write poems that provided insight for the readers.

What inspired you to write your first book?

Well, I write about themes Love, Spirituality, Relationships, and Life Lessons. My first book was called Expressions of the Mind, Body, & Soul which encompasses all those thing that make a lasting impressions of people holistically.

Do you have a specific writing style?

I love writing free verses, don’t get me wrong. I used to rhyme back in the day when I started writing, however I love to let my thoughts flow.

How did you come up with the title?

So I am so excited, because I didn’t think I had it in me to write a children’s book, and a business colleague of mine said that I should because, I would always taught about things I would share with my children. So one day I was inspire to help children build the resilience skills to make friends and Larry the Alligator: Makes friends was born.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Yes, I want the children’s and the readers to develop the resiliency skills needed, such as perseverance, assertiveness and when choosing friend look for those who have similarities.

laDonna Marie book lovers

How much of the book is realistic?

All of the book, because if you take a look in the society now, we find children who attempt to make friends and left feeling rejected. If we teach them what to do in those times, how to be confident, and promote positive interactions we will better equip them for life.

What books have most influenced your life most?

I know why the cage bird sings By Maya Angelou

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Dr. Maya Angelou would be my mentor and has been since I met her in 9th grade.

What book are you reading now?

I am reading All Access by Omar Tyree

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Christy Sanderson is a spiritual and motivational writer.

What are your current projects?

I am working on the second Edition of Quiet Moments with God: 21 Days of Positive Inspiration.

Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

I would have to say DJ. Gatsby you have been a major support to my books and my brand.

Do you see writing as a career?

Yes, I see myself continuing to write and making a difference with my books. #impactinglives

61oSUkEFT0L._SY498_BO1,204,203,200_If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

I would put the pictures on a page by themselves. To give the readers a chance to enjoy the beautiful illustrations.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

Yes, when I was younger I felt misunderstood and I began to journaling and as I did I had an encounter with God and told me as her healed me, my words would help to heal others.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

At some point, I want to write a novel. So I would like to write full length books.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Nikki Giovanni I love her authenticity and richness in her poetry books.

Do you travel much promoting your book(s)?

Yes, I believe that you have to stay visible, and I always love to be amongst the readers.

Who designed the covers?

Most of my covers in the past were done by Black Encryptions, Kenny Black

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

I don’t think it is the hardest part, but it is to become vulnerable with the writing.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Yes, I learned that it ok to know that everyone is not your friend, so make sure you find the ones that are.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Yes to always follow your dreams and to research and implement

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

That if you need help overcoming obstacles and adversities, then look me up I have books to empower you to keep moving forward.



Jeff “DJ Gatsby” Wilson

The WBMG Radio Show with DJ Gatsby

DJ Gatsby a/k/a The Voice Of Urban Lit is back with his WBMG Radio Show Da Spotlight. This week he has Author Haikeem Stokes on the show. Haikeem is making his first appearance on the show and we are excited to have him in  “Da Spotlight”.

Copy of Copy of CHURCH.jpg

This South Philly native is the eldest of three brothers and three sisters, who first fell in love with writing in the fifth grade. He produced several short stories and also illustrated and penned a series of comic strips. By late junior high he used those creative-writing skills to transform short stories into rhymes. While in high school the rhyming evolved into poetry. He has taken his passion for word play, literary arts and finally cultivated it into realizing the dream of writing.

DJ Gatsby Book Club Authors Spotlight: Brandi Davis “The High Price I Had To Pay 4”


Brandi Davis, born and raised in Southeld, Michigan, is an author, motivational speaker and a prison reform activist. Davis, the daughter of legendary street hustler and the girlfriend of a notorious drug dealer, was no novice to street life. After her
child’s father suddenly died in federal prison, she faced the challenge of maintaining
the lavish lifestyle he provided. With her back up against the wall, Davis accepted an invitation to enter the drug game and became extremely successful. Life was grand until Davis was caught red-handed with 27 kilos of freshly packaged cocaine, landing her a ten year sentence in federal prison.
After serving close to a decade behind bars, Davis has decided to share her life
experiences to warn others about the danger of poor choices. With her powerful voice
and bona de street credibility, she has captivated the attention of youth and adults
across the nation. Exposing the naked truth and deadly consequences of street life, her
heartfelt story has become an anchor used to save the lives of many of today’s troubled
Check out this recent interview that Brandi Davis gave
  • Brandi Questions
    1) Please introduce yourself to our readers and let them know a little about your new book “The High Price I Had To Pay, Volume 4.”
    My name is Brandi Davis. I’m a 34 year old, native of Detroit, Michigan. My book “The High Price I Had To Pay, Volume 4” is a memoir about my life and the experiences that led to my imprisonment.
    2) Tell us why you decided to write this book and why you feel the message enclosed is important?
    I decided to write a book about my life to bring awareness to the epidemic that I’ve seen in our judicial system. While incarcerated in federal prison for 7 1/2 years, I’ve watched a transition in the prison population. The age of the women coming in has grown younger and younger for non-violent, drug crimes. I listened to some of the girls stories and they really touched my heart.Many of them are serving double digits, and some even Life behind bars! I can relate to their experiences and how they got involved in the fast life. This led me to share my story, so I could help prevent others from making the same mistakes that we did.
    thehighprice4frt3) Describe a little about what your life was like growing up in Detroit?
    My life growing up in Detroit was kind of different from your typical middle class family. My father was a drug dealer who provided a good living for his household. From the outside looking in, you would think that I came from a hard working family. But in all actuality, my father was heavily involved in a criminal lifestyle. I didn’t know this until I grew up and heard stories about my dad. So I would say, even though I grew up in the suburbs, my life was far from typical.
    4) What kind of influence did your father have on your life? Would you describe it as good or bad? Explain.
    My father had a huge influence on my life. I admired him greatly. As a result, I was attracted to men who emulated his lifestyle. I was inspired by the drive my father had and the way he took care of our family. He was what I considered to be the “ultimate hustler,” yet he was quite a gentleman. Growing up, I aspired to have a man that treated me like my daddy treated my mother. But in all actuality, the lifestyle my dad provided was a gift and a curse. I never wanted for anything and was spoiled with expensive gifts and attention. Yet at the same time, I was exposed to an addictive lifestyle that came along with lots of consequences.
    5) Tell us a little about why you decided to try your hand in the drug game?
    I tried my hand in the drug game thinking I was being a loyal girlfriend. I was dating a guy from Chicago who had some issues in his hometown. He needed to quickly move some work outside of Chicago, so I decided I would help him out. I had never sold drugs a day in my life. I was surprised how easy it was to make a lot of money swiftly. At the time, I never knew my actions would cost me my life. I now realize I was extremely naive and I didn’t think through the consequences.
    6) What was the most difficult about serving a 10 year bid in the FEDS?
    While I was in prison, being away from my son for 7 1/2 years was the hardest thing for me to deal with. When I was arrested my son had just turned 3 years old, so I left a toddler behind. It broke my heart knowing that I was going to miss out on so much of his life. Till this day, I have not completely forgiven myself for leaving my son, due to my poor choices.
    7) What message do you want to leave readers with who read your book?
    I want my readers to be cautious of the decisions they make in life. Sometimes we don’t think things through before we act. This can be detrimental! Love is also blind and we tend to move on our emotions, instead of our intellect. Therefore, we must watch the company we keep, because everyone doesn’t have the same intentions or love that we have for them. Life is too short to live on the edge, especially when you have children! Our decisions in life don’t only affect us, they also effect our loved ones too. Therefore, I caution my readers to cherish their lives and don’t choose life in the fast lane! It only leads to two things, death or prison.
    Email Address:

Who’s Who In African American Literature Interviews: Author Amanda Lee

Who’s Who In African American Literature shares their exclusive print interview with Bestselling Author Amanda Lee.   She is a married mother of 4 and the founder of Vicious Ink Publications. Amanda is rising star in the Literary world and we want you to get familiar with this talented writer and her books in the “Deranged” Series on Viscuois Ink Publications.

amanda lee profile

  1. Where are you from? I am from a small town called Forest, Mississippi.
  1. Tell us your latest news? My latest news is I have a book on Slavery in Mississippi coming October, “My Name is Banjo”
  1. When and why did you begin writing?I started writing in high school, but stopped because I didn’t know exactly how to get published or what direction to go in.
  1. When did you first consider yourself a writer? I considered myself a writer after my 4th book was published. I felt accomplished.
  1. What inspired you to write your first book? The authors, Zane and Eric Jerome Dickey inspired me to write my first book. After reading a couple of their books, that when I knew what I wanted to do long term.
  1. Do you have a specific writing style? I prefer the writing styles such as thrillers, horror, and science fiction genre. I love the adreline, the excitement, the blood, and the in depth killings.
  1. How did you come up with the title? I came up with my first title, DERANGED, because that’s how I felt at that time.12025481_1668033960078725_706463122_n
  1. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? In my novel, HEARTLESS BASTARD, my message is to be careful whom you love. Just because a man gives you attention and love doesn’t necessary mean he will accept your kids. If a man doesn’t accept your kids, then he is definitely not the one.
  1. How much of the book is realistic? All of my books are fiction. There is a small part in my book; A FAMILY DIVIDED BY COLOR is true.
  1. What books have most influenced your life most? Books by Dr. Farrah Gray.
  1. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? I would consider Zane as a mentor.
  1. What book are you reading now? I am reading a book called, “How to Write a Dirty Story” by Susie Bright.
  • Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest? This author, Blaque Angel from G Street Chronicles. Other than that, no.
  1. What are your current projects? My current projects are “My Name is Banjo: Slavery in Mississippi,” “Penetrate Me Softly,” “My Master’s Bed,” and “Psychosis.’
  1. Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members?The Book Clubs on the east coast are a major entity that supported me.12023042_1668034366745351_1809233699_n
  1. Do you see writing as a career? Of course I see writing as a career.
  1. If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? Not in my latest book, but my first book, DERANGED. I did get the opportunity to change some of the language, now that the book is under my own label, Vicious Ink Publications.
  1. Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? Yes I do. When I was in high school, one of my classmates had a book by Nora Roberts, Vengeance in Death. She let me read it and right then, I knew I wanted to write stories just as great.
  • Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? In my writing I find not writing about killing and blood is challenging. Seems like when I write something normal (lol), my mind leads back to adding a killing scene or something of the sort.
  1. Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work? My favorite author would be T. Styles. Her writing style interest me so much because it’s dark and twisted.
  1. Do you travel much promoting your book (s)? I use to travel, but since I have moved to Atlanta, it’s been kind of difficult. I will start back traveling once I get settled.
  1. Who designed the covers? There were several people that designed my covers such as Author Rukyyah, Brand Concepts Southeast, and Multi-Diva Marketing.
  1. What was the hardest part of writing your book? The hardest part was staying focused on one project. As I write one book, my mind is all over the place headed to the next project.12030744_1668034426745345_1796232220_n


  1. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? Yes I did. After the editor and proofreaders finished, read back over my work. I experienced too many errors in my books.
  1. Do you have any advice for other writers? Write! Write! Write! Never stop writing. Even if it’s a sentence or paragraph a day. Write!
  1. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? If you understand that writing is a gift, and the way words coming together will entertain you; then you’ll understand that books by Amanda Lee are strangely unique. Each story you read will amuse you. The way the plots and characters twist and turn, your mind will become infatuated with wanting to read more. My writings are UNIQUE!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      *Follow Author Amanda Lee on Facebook, Twitter & Insragram                 *All books are available at Amazon.Com